America Recycles Day Winners 2021

Environmental Stewardship Award In 2021, the Environmental Stewardship Award went to ONEOK. Green Non-Profit of the Year Award In 2021, the Green Non-Profit of the Year Award went to Humble Son’s Bike Company. Green Event- Big Spring Clean In 2021, the Green Event award went to Cox Media. Congratulations to all of this years winners!  

DEA Prescription Drug Take Back Event

In 2019, Tulsa County residents were prescribed almost 40 Million opioid pills (OBNDD PMP 2021). People die every day in the United States from Opiate Drug overdoses including prescription pain reliver, synthetic opioids, and heroin (CDC 2020). Prescription medications can also be dangerous to the environment by releasing harmful chemicals. In order to protect citizens and the Earth, it is …

Pot Holder from Jeans

Needing new pot holders? Try making these upcycled pot holders! Here are the steps: Lay out your jeans. Cut around the pockets. Cut a piece from the leg that is similar in size. Cut batting that is similar in size. Lay the pieces on top of each other inside out and sew around the edges. Leave a hole to turn …

Dog Toy from Jeans

If you have pets, they most likely love toys. But what if you could make these toys from old jeans? Learn how now! Cut three 1 inch strips from your jeans. Stack these three strips and tie in a knot. Braid the three strips. Tie off the other end. You’re ready to give your pets the toy! Note: You can …

Stuffed Animal Owl From Jeans

If you have a child in your life, odds are they love stuffed animals. Why not teach them upcycling while also helping them make a new stuffed animal with this craft? Here are the steps: Lay your jeans out. Cut the end of a leg off cutting through both sides in one cut. Turn the leg inside out. Hot Glue …